Our Aims & Objectives

We unite to serve and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ through the following ways;

  • To grow closer to God through faithful obedience of His Word, as a result, the Lord will say on that day, when we must give an account of our stewardship, ‘Well done good and faithful servant’.
  • To unite to build a community of women who are able to discover, use their God-given talents and gifts to serve their community.
  • To gather together every Wednesday for Bible study, fellowship, prayer and the ministry of word.
  • To making a positive difference in our church, home, community and the world at large, through various projects
  • To be role models and mentors to our generation and the younger generation
  • To help, clothe, educate, provide accommodation and feed the less privileged,
  • To encourage the spiritually downcast and emotionally drained by being a true living witness of the word of God.
